About Us

DigitalBuyer.com - Business Products Simplified

Welcome and thank you for visiting DigitalBuyer.com where you can find every day items as well as hard to find niche products at discounted prices backed by superior customer service.

We have been proudly serving government, education, corporate, small business, and end-user customers with the highest level of commitment to service on an individual level since 2010.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



155 W. Washington Blvd Ste 306
Los Angeles, CA 90015 (Mail Only)

(800) 408-2718 Phone
(Mon-Fri 7AM-5PM Pacific)

(866) 531-5671 Fax

Why Shop with Us?

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should shop with DigitalBuyer.com:

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  • We treat every customer with respect. We consider every transaction of critical importance.
  • We back every product with a rock-solid satisfaction guarantee.
  • We turn every issue into a chance to make a positive, lasting impression on the customer.
  • We maintain the highest standards of ethics and business conduct.
  • We ship most orders within 24 hours.
  • We provide our customers with helpful information - over the phone, through our catalog, or on our website - to make informed decisions.
  • We have established BUYING POWER, which allows us to buy products at prices far below our competition and pass the savings along to you.
  • We offer corporate and government customers instant bids, competitive prices, and prompt delivery.

Safe and Secure Shpping

Safe & Secure Online Ordering

All orders and transactions involving personal information are encrypted using the latest 256-bit SSL/TLS encryption technology. Encryption is a process by which we use software to scramble your credit card number and personal information such that they're unreadable by anyone other than the involved parties. We do not sell or distribute your personal information to anyone, and we do not store any credit cards on our systems.

Big Savings

Lowest Possible Prices

Our purchasing agents negotiate with suppliers to secure the lowest possible prices in order to pass that savings on to our customers. We work hard every day to maintain our reputation as a low price, high value leader. At DigitalBuyer.com, our posted prices are our every day low prices!

Quality Customer Service

Business-To-Business Assurance

Business customers have specific requirements for doing business and procuring products to enable efficiency in their organizations. The demands of business must be handled by a group of professionals who know the ropes, those who have been there and who can meet deadlines. DigitalBuyer.com strives to be your one-stop shop for business products.


Some of Our Customers

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